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The Securities and Futures Commission and the Insurance Authority joined forces to tackle cross-sector irregularities

26 July 2024

The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) and the Insurance Authority (IA) have joined forces to tackle suspected irregularities concerning the investment portfolio of Tahoe Life Insurance Company Limited (Tahoe Life).

The announcement made by the IA today (26 July 2024) to appoint Joint and Several Managers to take full control of the affairs and property of Tahoe Life 1 represents the outcome of patient and assiduous work done over the past four years. Back in May 2020, the IA sought assistance from the SFC on information regarding certain investments made by Tahoe Life. Subsequent inspections carried out by the SFC on a few licensed fund managers revealed that the assets in question held by Tahoe Life were channelled into financial instruments linked with a related party on the Mainland.

The SFC launched its own investigation, and conducted a joint operation with the IA on an SFC licensed fund manager in June 2021, the first of its kind since the two regulators signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in September 2020. The SFC subsequently took disciplinary action against the fund manager 2 . The SFC and the IA will continue with the efforts to foster a compliance culture in the financial industry that enshrines the highest standard of professionalism and integrity.

“This united effort highlights our shared dedication to upholding the integrity of Hong Kong’s financial markets by ensuring no misconduct putting investors in harm’s way falls through the cracks between different regulators,” said Ms Julia Leung, the Chief Executive Officer of the SFC. “As close partners, the SFC and the IA will continue to work closely to ensure resilience, accountability and trust are firmly embedded in the financial sector,” Ms Leung added.

“The IA expresses deep appreciation to the SFC for providing valuable support during an investigation on related party transactions entered into by Tahoe Life. This bears testimony to the efficacy of the MoU in protecting the interest of policy holders and the image of Hong Kong as an international financial centre,” said Mr Clement Cheung, Chief Executive Officer of the IA.



1 Please see the press release issued by the IA on 26 July 2024 .

2 Please see the press release issued by the SFC on 4 December 2023 .