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20 March 2003

To: Chief Executive of all authorized insurance institutions

Dear Sir/Madam,

United Nations (Anti-Terrorism Measures) Ordinance ("Ordinance")

Further to my letter of 13 March 2003 , I am writing to advise you that a new consolidated list of names designated by the United Nations Security Council Committee was published in the Gazette (G.N. 1596) on 14 March 2003 in accordance with the Ordinance. The gazetted list is available on the Government website ( under Gazette: Government Notice published on 14 March 2003.

This updated list superceded all previous lists under the Ordinance. The following names have been added on the Al-Qaida "entities" list (list D):

  • Islamic International Brigade (IIB) (item 62)
  • Riyadus-Salikhin Reconnaissance and Sabotage Battalion of Chechen Martyrs (RSRSBCM) (item 88)
  • Special Purpose Islamic Regiment (SPIR) (item 93)

In addition, one name, Makhtab Al-Khidamat/Al Kifah, which was originally on the "individuals" list has been moved to item 70 on the Al-Qaida "entities" list (list D).

Accordingly, please check the designated names against your records and take appropriate steps to ensure compliance with the Ordinance. You should also report to the Joint Financial Intelligence Unit if any of the relevant names is identified.

Should you have any enquiries, please contact Mr. William Hsieh at 2867 4529 or Ms. Joanne Lin at 2867 2557.

Yours sincerely,

(Benjamin Tang)
Commissioner of Insurance


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