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GL1: Authorization Guideline (repealed and replaced by GL5: Guideline on Application for Authorization to Carry on Insurance Business in or from Hong Kong on 30 June 2022)
GL2: Guideline on Insurance (General Business) (Valuation) Rules (repealed on 1 July 2024)
GL3: Guideline on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing
GL3A: Guideline on Exercising Power to Impose Pecuniary Penalty in respect of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing
GL4: Guideline on "Fit and Proper" Criteria in relation to Authorized Insurers under the Insurance Ordinance (Cap. 41)
GL5: Guideline on Application for Authorization to Carry on Insurance Business in or from Hong Kong
GL6: Guideline on Reserving for Mortgage Guarantee Business
GL7: Guideline on the Reserve Provision for Class G of Long Term Business (repealed on 1 July 2024)
GL8: Guideline on the Use of Internet for Insurance Activities
GL9: Guideline on Actuarial Review of Insurance Liabilities in respect of General Business (effective from 1 Jul 2024)
GL10: Guideline on the Corporate Governance of Authorized Insurers
GL11: Guideline on Classification of Class C - Linked Long Term Business
GL12: Guideline on Reinsurance with Related Companies
GL13: Guideline on Asset Management by Authorized Insurers
GL14: Guideline on Outsourcing
GL15: Guideline on Underwriting Class C Business
GL16: Guideline on Underwriting Long Term Insurance Business (other than Class C Business)
GL17: Guideline on Reinsurance
GL18: Guideline on Exercising Power to Impose Pecuniary Penalty in respect of Authorised Insurers under the Insurance Ordinance (Cap, 41)
GL19: Guideline on Qualifying Deferred Annuity Policy
GL20: Guideline on Cybersecurity
GL21: Guideline on Enterprise Risk Management
GL22: Guideline on Exercising Power to Impose Pecuniary Penalty in Respect of Regulated Persons under the Insurance Ordinance (Cap. 41)
GL23: Guideline on "Fit and Proper" Criteria for Licensed Insurance Intermediaries under the Insurance Ordinance (Cap. 41)
GL24: Guideline on Continuing Professional Development for Licensed Insurance Intermediaries
GL25: Guideline on Offering of Gifts
GL26: Guideline on Sale of Investment-Linked Assurance Scheme (“ILAS”) Products
GL27: Guideline on Long Term Insurance Policy Replacement
GL28: Guideline on Benefit Illustrations for Long Term Insurance Policies
GL29: Guideline on Cooling-off Period
GL30: Guideline on Financial Needs Analysis
GL31: Guideline on Medical Insurance Business
GL32: Guideline on Group Supervision
GL33: Guideline on Application for Authorization to Carry on Special Purpose Business
GL34: Guideline on Establishment and Maintenance of Fund(s) in respect of Participating Business

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